Translating Wisdom Through Context

By: Henok Elias

Polyglot Dr. Richard Benton is passionate about learning the languages of his neighbors – especially marginalized neighbors. He has been learning Afan Oromo of late. How can he, and we, help Afan Oromo speaking peoples best articulate their entrepreneurial, familial, and rural wisdom in the context of 21st Century Minneapolis/St. Paul?

Struggling to connect with language love

With the current senseless border skirmishes in our beloved Ethiopia and Eritrea, it is important for us to learn the relationship betwixt learning our neighbors’ languages and pursuing peace. When we are humble enough to shut up and listen, great things can happen. What if we are not the center of the known universe? What if people who speak other languages than us can have insight that we don’t? What if patience is a virtue? What if a paradigm shift can come from active listening and a softened heart?

Peace comes from speaking another language…or does it?

HabeshaLA presents: NYC photographer Martha Tesema


Name: Martha Tesema
Age: 23

Hometown: Portland, OR (currently based in Brooklyn, NY)


  1. Describe your hustle/brand.

This is something that’s always constantly evolving for me as I grow and learn new skills every day. Currently, I’d describe myself as multimedia journalist—which I understand can mean so many different things. To me, that just means I fluctuate between telling stories visually with my photography or through writing. I’m so passionate about both and would never be able to pick just one! I also am somewhat of a videographer, and illustrator, and have had experience as social media strategist. Essentially, I’m all over the map and have strengths in different buckets which I think is incredibly important in any media position these days. These have all developed from a variety of jobs I’ve been blessed with over my short career so far—from promotional assistant to editorial contributor to communications specialist positions.


  1.  Who are some of your influences?

Like my interests, my influences are all over the map. In terms of photography, I’m very much drawn to work by photographers like Chi Modu. Lately I have been seeking out work by black photographers and that’s led me to really amazing work by people like Awol Erizku and Meron Menghistab. I don’t necessarily shoot in that same style, but it’s definitely a source of inspiration as of late. I’ve been pouring over the “Vision & Justice” issue of Aperture and there are incredible folks featured there whose work gives me the chills.  There’s so influences when it comes to just this realm—too many to list that it would be ridiculous to try! In terms of writing, I’m always constantly amazed by the work of women in the industry particularly when it comes to culture critic. Hannah Giorgis, Rawiya Kameir, Doreen St. Félix, Jessica Hopper, etc….I stop always when I see their names and devour everything they say.


  1. What can we expect from you in the near future?

I’m working on putting together a book of photographs from my trip to Ethiopia, and possibly going out there again to shoot more in the city where my parents are from and start a project there regarding their childhood. Until then, I just moved to New York and am writing as much as I can and looking for dope creatives to build a community with here!


  1.  Where can we reach you? (website, social media handles. etc).

You can find my work at and follow me on Instagram and Twitter at @martesema.  Feel free to hit me up if you’re ever interested in a collaboration, prints, or just chatting!
