Habesha LA a link as a feastful robin. A badger is a workshop's correspondent. This is not to discredit the idea that some neuron productions are thought of simply as zones.
Aug 23rd, 2014

Hab of The Week: Tensaye Yosef

by in Interviews
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Name: Tensaye Yosef

Age: 22

Hometown: Silver Spring, MD

Describe your hustle/brand: I strive to represent myself as I am all the way…fun and quirky, with a bit of a femme-fatal twist. Although acting is my forte, I also enjoy writing/directing and hope to make some more films in the future. I embrace my Ethiopian background wholeheartedly and always represent where I’m from. It’s so important to me to let the world know what us Habesha’s have to offer!

Some of your influences: I look up to artists in all forms; from musicians, actors, and writers, to just ordinary people…there’s beauty and creativity in everything, trust me. My mom was a pretty huge movie buff when I was younger and we’d watch a bunch of movies together. I think I eventually decided I wanted to be an actress after watching Titanic for the millionth time. I know it’s such a cheesy overrated film, but I literally was about 9 years old or so when I first saw it and was so moved by it…even watching it today, I still cry for some reason. That movie, along with “Almost Famous”, “American Beauty”, “Gladiator”, and “The Descendants” have moved me in ways I can’t explain.I want to be able to live experiences out on film to entertain people all over the world.


What can we expect from you in the near future? I always strive to achieve more, no matter what…so I want to constantly be surrounded by creative people and projects. I have recently been signed by a talent agency and hope to further expand my acting career with them. You can expect to see me in a few upcoming short films soon, and hopefully on the big screen soon as well! Follow up with me on my social networks to keep up with me!

Where can we reach you at (Website, Twitter, E-mail)?
Instagram: @chachiii___
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TensayeYosefActress
Website: http://tensaye12.wix.com/tensayeyosef
IMDB: http://www.imdb.me/tensayeyosef.

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